Since ancient times people have been considering that long healthy locks is one of the main symbols of a true feminine beauty. Time flies and annual new hair trends have brought a lot of different haircuts, and even short length on women could look very feminine and soft. But healthy locks, whether it is long or extra short, is still something to be proud of.
In today’s’ realities it is not so easy to keep locks in a healthy condition, because of the pace of life and busyness. Poor ecology and different environmental problems also play a huge role here. But every girl still has her own list of products and methods that work good and make her locks better and healthier. Everyone understands that different locks structures need different care products. It is not a secret. But there are some general tips and pieces of an advice that will work for every hair the same way. Such methods and products are just simple life rules, but unfortunately a huge amount of women usually forget about them.
Simple Secrets To Make Hair Healthier
Scientists have found that poor hair condition directly affects women’s mood. Hair loss and hair damages are able even to set off doldrums and depression. That is the reason why women always try to make their locks look better by using different hyped expensive products, various cosmetics etc. Because they believe in a colorful deceptive advertising, that promises to heal even highly damaged locks in just several usages. Such products are neither more nor less than just a marketing ploy that is created to earn money, not to help with such problems.
In the list below there are simple rules to follow to keep hair healthy and beautiful.
- Time to wash. Do not use too cold or too hot water, it should be nice and warm. Too hot water rinses off all the useful protective oils, that are very important for the locks. While washing it will be good to massage the scalp. It will make the hair grow faster, because of the better blood flow to the hair follicles.
- Sunscreen and frost protection. It is very important to be careful with the locks in the summer and winter time. Hot sun rays and a frosty wind make hair porous and damaged. It is necessary to hide hair and to wear hats and caps.
- Forget about diets. A healthy food routine is not only the key to healthy hair, but also to a healthy body as well. Proteins, lean fats and starches should be in a proper balance in everyday meals. Different nuts and red salmon are the best products to keep the locks healthy.
- Proper care routine. Everyone should use a shampoo or a mask focused on certain hair problems they have, to reach a result.
- Be careful with styling. Styling products and blow dryers are very harmful for hair structure. So it will be better not to use them at all, or to use only in special situations, but not every day.
Hair care routine is very challenging. But when someone wants to have beautiful healthy locks, it is very important to follow all the rules, because the result is worth it.