Every girl knows the struggle of achieving stunning hairstyle. Obviously, there are many days when things simply work out good from the very beginning of styling. However, more often just the opposite happens as hair becomes too dry and hard to tame. To overcome these styling hardships, one should consider changing the hair routine so that it perfectly suits your head and prepares tresses for further styling.

Usually, everything from washing to brushing impacts how easy it will be to style that hair and how good it will look in the end. However, not only routine impacts the way it looks but also your daily habits in terms of eating, sleeping and leading an active lifestyle. All these issues come together and reflect on the way our locks comes down the shoulders. And if you want it to shine and be healthy, feel free to use our tips and tricks from below.
When it comes to hair treatment, many people start to act when they experience significant hair loss. This is considered to be more than 100-150 strands per day. However, it is obviously better to prevent the fire instead of constantly extinguishing it. Therefore, you are the one responsible for the well-being of your tresses and thus have to ensure you follow the right routine.

Here are our top suggestions on how to properly take care of your hair to maintain its health and beauty:
- restrain overwashing tendency: obviously, clean hair looks more voluminous and thus gorgeous. However, if you wash it more often than 2-3 times a week it seems it will get greasy more often. Moreover, some vital oils and ferments are washed away and you risk to overdry your tresses;
- comb the hair upwards: for tangles to be smoothly removed and not torn out, it is generally better to start at the ends and move upwards. However, if your hair is pretty short, it doesn’t really matter;
- choose proper nourishment: nowadays, we cannot perfectly control our eating habits and not always get the sufficient amount of all vitamins per day. Therefore, for hair to look better, would be better to give it some extra nourishment;
- use conditioner after each washing: while masks account for deep nourishment and repair, conditioners give that smooth feel of tresses after washing and fulfill the damaged stretches of it;
- do not tie tresses too tight: to prevent structure damages, it is advisable to use TLCs instead of regular bands as these ensure relaxed hairstyle.

To wrap things up, for your hair to look ultimately good and well-groomed, you have to take proper care of it as well as of your general health. It all starts with food and nourishment and ends up with appropriate washing and drying. read more