How to take care of fine thin hair

How to take care of fine thin hair

Thin hair is very easy to calculate if you consult an expert in trichology. It is more difficult to determine the “normality” of the diameter of the hair shaft on your own. It is not what thin hair looks like that matters, but how it behaves. For example, dense strands are more rigid, while thin strands are noticeably softer and lighter. They can hardly hold a voluminous styling, have a habit of tangling and bunching during the day. It is worth to use a nourishing mask – and strands have already lost volume at the roots. read more

How to stop hair loss from stress

How to stop hair loss from stress

Everyone wants healthy, strong and shiny hair like the models from the pages of glossy magazines and advertising brochures. But reality often goes against expectations. Why does this happen and who is to blame? read more

Healthy Hair Secrets

Since ancient times people have been considering that long healthy locks is one of the main symbols of a true feminine beauty. Time flies and annual new hair trends have brought a lot of different haircuts, and even short length on women could look very feminine and soft. But healthy locks, whether it is long or extra short, is still something to be proud of.

In today’s’ realities it is not so easy to keep locks in a healthy condition, because of the pace of life and busyness. Poor ecology and different environmental problems also play a huge role here. But every girl still has her own list of products and methods that work good and make her locks better and healthier. Everyone understands that different locks structures need different care products. It is not a secret. But there are some general tips and pieces of an advice that will work for every hair the same way. Such methods and products are just simple life rules, but unfortunately a huge amount of women usually forget about them.


Scientists have found that poor hair condition directly affects women’s mood. Hair loss and hair damages are able even to set off doldrums and depression. That is the reason why women always try to make their locks look better by using different hyped expensive products, various cosmetics etc. Because they believe in a colorful deceptive advertising, that promises to heal even highly damaged locks in just several usages. Such products are neither more nor less than just a marketing ploy that is created to earn money, not to help with such problems.

In the list below there are simple rules to follow to keep hair healthy and beautiful.

  • Time to wash. Do not use too cold or too hot water, it should be nice and warm. Too hot water rinses off all the useful protective oils, that are very important for the locks. While washing it will be good to massage the scalp. It will make the hair grow faster, because of the better blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Sunscreen and frost protection. It is very important to be careful with the locks in the summer and winter time. Hot sun rays and a frosty wind make hair porous and damaged. It is necessary to hide hair and to wear hats and caps.
  • Forget about diets. A healthy food routine is not only the key to healthy hair, but also to a healthy body as well. Proteins, lean fats and starches should be in a proper balance in everyday meals. Different nuts and red salmon are the best products to keep the locks healthy.
  • Proper care routine. Everyone should use a shampoo or a mask focused on certain hair problems they have, to reach a result.  
  • Be careful with styling. Styling products and blow dryers are very harmful for hair structure. So it will be better not to use them at all, or to use only in special situations, but not every day.

Hair care routine is very challenging. But when someone wants to have beautiful healthy locks, it is very important to follow all the rules, because the result is worth it.

How To Keep Hair In A Perfect Condition?

A head full of thick and silken strands as in different advertisements is a dream of every girl in the world. Beautiful hair is really something to be proud of. But there should be an appropriate permanent care routine to maintain it in a perfect condition all the time. Firstly, beautiful strands are a result of eating healthy food and following healthy style of life. The whole body gets special useful stuff with food and later distributes everything to nails, hair, skin and so on. To make the strands shine bright like a diamond there should be vitamins A, C, D and group of B vitamins, and also iron and zinc in the daily diet.

There are too many things that prevent women from having healthy strands. Bad habits damage the whole body and hair, nails and skin as well. Toxic water, blow dryers, styling products and stylers, combing and so on are the main enemies of women’s beauty. This is the reason, why it is necessary to follow all the rules in the list below, or at least try to.


Today, there is a huge amount of different products and treatment sessions, but there are also some popular common recipes including natural products for hair beauty. So, there are 2 variants how to keep strands in a healthy condition: professional treatment and granny’s recipes. And both of them are very popular. The choice depends just on the own liking. But making a choice just between these two treatment kinds is not all you need to have a beautiful hair.

Here are also some useful rules:  

  • Washing astrands only in soft and clean water.
  • Instead of rubbing hair with a towel after washing, pat dry it gently. It helps to prevent damages. Do not keep wet strands in a towel just after washing for a long time.
  • Going to bed with wet hair or without washing off all the styling products is forbidden.
  • Using special care products that are created to solve specific hair problems.
  • Try to avoid blow dryers and stylers and let the strands dry in the air. When it is impossible, use special heat protection to reduce a harmful effect.
  • Head massage is a wonderful way to combine both something useful and something pleasant. It helps to relax in the evening after a hard working day, and also makes the blood flow better, that help hair grow faster.

So, every girl should have her own secrets of healthy good-looking hair, but there are some common tips for everyone. Having beautiful healthy strands is a hard work, that needs a lot of responsibility and persistence. Following all the rules above will make any hair look amazing and as something to be proud of.

Most Common Reasons For Loss Of Hair

There is not a single thing worse for women than hair loss. When while brushing you see all these locks falling down and cannot understand what is going on, stress is guaranteed. Obviously, there is a reason for everything what happens in our bodies and for hair loss too. Once you have noticed changes in your tresses structure or its quantity, you ought to determine the reason for it or otherwise you risk going bald.


Obviously, as our body renews on a daily basis, people do loss hair each day. On average we lose around 80 hairs a day. However, if it falls out in significantly larger portions than that, that is when you should take some action to figure out the root cause.

Below are some of the most frequent reasons people lose their tresses on a scale larger than is assumed to be normal one:

  • hormones imbalance: these guys do know how to show that they are imbalances. From weight gain to harsh acne problems, hormones affect so many part of our bodies and hair is not an exception. In case, you as a girl have more men hormone, your hair may begin to fall out only due to hormones imbalance;
  • stress and nerves: whatever happens in life, it is good to keep calm and not let your emotions impact your body. Stress is known to harm our well-being tremendously and it may even cause hair loss;
  • rapid and significant weight loss: if you lost more than 10% of your weight in one month, your organism will experience significant stress and it may cause tresses fall out in excess. Therefore, with anything you do it would be better to hit a happy medium;
  • lack of vitamins: in case your organism does not receive B12 in sufficient amounts,it damages the health of red blood cells carrying oxygen to your tissues and thus affects functioning of the roots causing it to fall out.

To wrap things up, losing hair is one of the least pleasant things which take place in lives of both men and women nowadays. Good thing is, when you identify the actual cause of it, you have all the chances to prevent further falling out of locks. Whether you are too stressed out or lack certain vitamins, remember that it all reflects on the way you look so be more self-loving and try to hit a happy medium in all you do.

Tips On Getting That Healthy Shiny Hair

Every girl knows the struggle of achieving stunning hairstyle. Obviously, there are many days when things simply work out good from the very beginning of styling. However, more often just the opposite happens as hair becomes too dry and hard to tame. To overcome these styling hardships, one should consider changing the hair routine so that it perfectly suits your head and prepares tresses for further styling.

Usually, everything from washing to brushing impacts how easy it will be to style that hair and how good it will look in the end. However, not only routine impacts the way it looks but also your daily habits in terms of eating, sleeping and leading an active lifestyle. All these issues come together and reflect on the way our locks comes down the shoulders. And if you want it to shine and be healthy, feel free to use our tips and tricks from below.


When it comes to hair treatment, many people start to act when they experience significant hair loss. This is considered to be more than 100-150 strands per day. However, it is obviously better to prevent the fire instead of constantly extinguishing it. Therefore, you are the one responsible for the well-being of your tresses and thus have to ensure you follow the right routine.

Here are our top suggestions on how to properly take care of your hair to maintain its health and beauty:

  • restrain overwashing tendency: obviously, clean hair looks more voluminous and thus gorgeous. However, if you wash it more often than 2-3 times a week it seems it will get greasy more often. Moreover, some vital oils and ferments are washed away and you risk to overdry your tresses;
  • comb the hair upwards: for tangles to be smoothly removed and not torn out, it is generally better to start at the ends and move upwards. However, if your hair is pretty short, it doesn’t really matter;
  • choose proper nourishment: nowadays, we cannot perfectly control our eating habits and not always get the sufficient amount of all vitamins per day. Therefore, for hair to look better, would be better to give it some extra nourishment;
  • use conditioner after each washing: while masks account for deep nourishment and repair, conditioners give that smooth feel of tresses after washing and fulfill the damaged stretches of it;
  • do not tie tresses too tight: to prevent structure damages, it is advisable to use TLCs instead of regular bands as these ensure relaxed hairstyle.

To wrap things up, for your hair to look ultimately good and well-groomed, you have to take proper care of it as well as of your general health. It all starts with food and nourishment and ends up with appropriate washing and drying. read more

Common Reasons For Your Hair To Look Bad

If your hair does not look gorgeous every second of your life, welcome to the club. The thing is, this is totally normal as we all are humans and are not perfect. However, in some cases it is important not to let hair become too badly treated so that it resembles a shaggy mess. Not to let this happen we will look at some of the most common reasons for our hair looking thin and not shiny.


When looking at all these Hollywood stars, we definitely begin dreaming about looking that good in our daily lives. The truth is it takes much effort and time, so if you want it, be ready to sacrifice these two important assets. However, those who do not aspire to reach the Hollywood level, ought to simply take proper care of their hair and find a few suiting hairstyles for any weather and occasion.  

Here are some of the reasons why we sometimes cannot achieve that ultimate classy hairstyle we wish to:

  • excessive usage of heat tools: girls with extremely curly hair and those who hate their straight and sleek hair do know the struggle. Usage of different heat tools like curlers and straightening irons damage structure of tresses significantly when used on a daily basis;
  • overwashing: clean hair always looks better untied and helps us gain that confidence. However, if you keep washing it every day, it gets overdried and lacks the natural oils which are produced in roots and take time to disseminate throughout the whole length;
  • avoiding regular trims: girls aspiring to grow their hair really long often neglect regula hairdresser’s visits. Unfortunately, if growing long and healthy hair was so easy, everyone would have had it already. It appears, though, that regular trims actually happen your locks grow long and shiny;
  • often blow-dry close to the roots or tresses: in all of the blow-dryer usage guides the recommended distance to the tresses shall not be less than  5–6 inches. However, many do neglect this rule and continue to overdry their tresses thus damaging them;
  • rough towel drying: apart from improper blow-drying, many people tend to rub their tresses too rough with towel. The fact is this is so bad for your tresses and makes them look frizzy in the end.

To sum it up, quite a few things which influence the way your hair looks. They include but are not limited to poor food, frequent usage of heat tools and frequent washing as well as wrong drying. In case you have never thought of these issues as such which cause your hair to look shaggy, make sure to incorporate them into your updated routine. read more